***************************** As of June 23rd, 2020, many NYS Departments and some Courts are still not accepting filings/services. Please be patient while we work through the reopenings. We will advise you if there is any issue getting your documents served.
***************************** Attorney General of NY's Guidelines on Evictions During Moratorium
Housing Stability and Tenant Protection act of 2019. Changes to NY State Eviction Proceedings - Effective June 17, 2019.
Signed into Law by Governor Cuomo on June 16, 2019 - S. 6458
Many changes have been made to existing Real Property laws. The following link to the pdf of the full Act is provided to refer to the new rules and policies, including Landlord - Tenant issues. These changes are effective immediately. New Service of process and Filing guidelines can be found on pages 47-48 of the document.Please note, we do not interpret the law but provide the service exactly as you have ordered it.
We have also included an additional link provided by NYS as a help document."
***************************** Redaction of Confidential Information Form needed for Filings
The Administrative Board of the Courts has approved the adoption of a new rule - section 202.5(e) of the Uniform Rules of the Supreme and County Courts (22 NYCRR 202.5(e)) - requiring attorneys to omit or redact certain confidential personal information from court filings in Supreme and County Court. This rule became effective on January 1, 2015; compliance was voluntary through February 28, 2015, and mandatory thereafter.
The new rule is included at the following link. It covers both e-filed and paper-filed cases. Also available at that site is a video training link and a fill-in form.
RJI Form (Request for Judicial Intervention)
Effective September 1, 2011, the Unified Court System has promulgated a revised Request for Judicial Intervention Form (Form USC-840 Rev. 3/2011), and Addenda, for use in civil practice in the Supreme and County Courts.
The forms include the RJI itself (UCS-840), a general addendum (UCS-840A), and specialized addenda for Commercial Division (UCS-840C), foreclosure (UCS-840F), and matrimonial matters (UCS-840M).
RJI forms are provided in both plain and fillable document formats. Please note that fillable forms may have a slightly different appearance due to the use of form fields and controls (i.e., drop-down menus, radio buttons, etc.). However, there are no substantive differences in form content.
